各位大佬,我用vs运行corflags添加修改器,为何显示错误指令,路径我反复对了好几遍了,都没错的Microsoft (R) .NET Framework CorFlags Conversion Tool. Version 4.8.3928.0
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Usage: Corflags.exe Assembly [options]
If no options are specified, the flags for the given image are displayed.
/ILONLY+ /ILONLY- Sets/clears the ILONLY flag
/32BITREQ+ /32BITREQ- Sets/clears the bits indicating 32-bit x86 only
/32BITPREF+ /32BITPREF- Sets/clears the bits indicating 32-bit preferred
/UpgradeCLRHeader Upgrade the CLR Header to version 2.5
/RevertCLRHeader Revert the CLR Header to version 2.0
/Force Force an assembly update even if the image is
strong name signed.
WARNING: Updating a strong name signed assembly
will require the assembly to be resigned before
it will execute properly.
/nologo Prevents corflags from displaying logo